Here are the individuals who donate their time to help our community!
Jimmy Brough - President
Jay Tunnell - Vice President
Liz Crosswhite - Treasurer
Heather Baird - At Large
Sarai Blackwell - At Large
John Cantrell - At Large
Dr. Nick Gardner - At Large
Yvonne Guy - At Large
Amanda Lees - At Large
Jill Martin - At Large
Michael Meyer - At Large
Taylor Prior - At Large
Neil Wendling - At Large

“Seeing the positive impact Sole Reason was creating in the Topeka schools and the boost of self-esteem in the children greatly influenced my decision to join the Board of Directors in May 2021. Being raised by a single parent of four boys I knew first-hand what it was like to go without and not have the essentials, like a new pair of shoes. Watching Jerry’s passion to continue putting “Shoes on their Feet and Smiles on their Faces” is a testament to “being the Hands and Feet of Jesus” through a simple pair of new shoes. Matthew 25:34-40 summarizes: observing the needs around us, assessing our resources, and giving what we’re able.
Whether it’s sharing Sole Reason’s message, growing corporate relationships, or volunteering time and fund raising resources, it is a humbling enjoyment to be part of this non-profit charity for kids!”
-Jimmy Brough, Board President 2024-2025

"It is a real privilege to support an organization whose sole aim is to bring smiles to children's faces. Dr. Seuss famously said, "A person is a person, no matter how small." Most of us don't think much about our shoes. We ponder which pair will look best with our outfit. We stop to think about them when we look for them, but what a comfort and blessing that is; to know you have a nice, clean, & comfortable pair of shoes waiting for you. Every child in our community should know this comfort and this blessing.
Sole Reason is not a luxury, it is an essential part of our Topeka community. It brings me great joy to be a part of Sole Reason. With each pair of shoes given to a child, we're also giving hope and encouragement."
-Sarai Blackwell

"Serving on the board of Sole Reason allows me to make a tangible difference in our local community by ensuring kids have access to something as essential as new shoes. It’s incredibly rewarding to know the joy and confidence these shoes bring to children who need them most."
-Jill Martin

"When I first joined Sole Reason, I was looking to volunteer with an organization geared towards the underserved youth in Topeka. But I also wanted that organization to be one grounded in faith. Sole reason checks those boxes. So, when I was invited to join the board, I jumped at the opportunity.
-Jay Tunnell

"Being part of Sole Reason is a deeply rewarding experience. I believe every child deserves the confidence and joy that comes with having a good pair of shoes. It's incredible to see the immediate impact we make in the community... proving hope, comfort, and dignity to kids in need. Serving on the board allows me to give back in a meaningful way and help guide Sole Reason's mission to ensure every child walks a little taller."
- John IronMan Cantrell

"I wholeheartedly support Sole Reason because of their unwavering commitment to providing shoes to any child in need. They have made a large impact on our community and have supplied so many children with shoes they might not otherwise have.
Witnessing the tangible results of their work, such as their annual golf tournament that raises monies for the purchase of shoes resonates deeply with me. The organization’s transparency and dedication to accountability further solidify my belief that my donations and being used effectively to make a real difference in the lives of those most in need. This group does it best to promote events and get the community involved to give which in returns allows more to be given to the children in our community."
-Yvonne Guy

"I sought to contribute to an organization specializing in community engagement and youth development. Sole Reason provided me with a volunteer opportunity to enhance local youth well-being by directly providing shoes to children within my local school district, positively impacting families in my community."
-Liz Crosswhite

"Sole Reason is a presence I feel daily as Principal at Ross Elementary School. Sole Reason has provided many of our students with shoes, supported numerous community events, and has historically been one of the most utilized resources at our school. This is my "why"—witnessing Sole Reason's impact on our students and families. Serving on the board allows me to further contribute to its mission, as I have seen firsthand the joy and relief new shoes bring to our students and how this resource helps strengthen our community.
Beyond the immediate benefits, Sole Reason also fosters a sense of dignity and belonging among our students. A new pair of shoes can boost a child’s confidence, allowing them to focus on their education and interact more positively with their peers. These moments—big and small—highlight this organization's transformative power to make our community a better place for all."
- Dr. Nick Gardner

"I joined Sole Reason because of their genuine Christian values and dedication to the community and serving our local children by putting sneakers on their feet and smiles on their faces. To see the smiles and joy on all of those faces is a heartfelt experience. I'm proud to serve on the Board and look forward to growing with the organization."
-Michael Meyer

"I sought to contribute to an organization specializing in community engagement and youth development. Sole Reason provided me with a volunteer opportunity to enhance local youth well-being by directly providing shoes to children within my local school district, positively impacting families in my community."
-Amanda Lees

"Serving as a board member for Sole Reason allows me to be a dedicated community leader and nonprofit strategist for our local community. Having a new pair of shoes is essential to all children. Nothing is better than seeing the impact and smile on that child's face when they receive a new pair of shoes. I know firsthand the impact that dedicated nonprofits can have, and I am committed to ensure Sole Reason continues to help more and more children in need."
-Taylor Prior

"I'm part of Sole Reason to help provide for families in need in the community."
-Neal Wendling